
1 large red bell pepper
1 liter water
5-6 pcs longganisa, coarsely chopped
2 cans Hunt's Pork & Beans 175g
3 Tbsp cheddar cheese, grated


  1. Split red bell pepper into two, then take out the seeds. Boil the bell pepper in water until soft. 
  2. Strain the red bell pepper, then set aside.
  3. In a pan, boil longganisa in a little water until fat comes out and longganisa starts to get fried. Add in Hunt's Pork & Beans, and simmer for 3 minutes.
  4. Stuff longganisa & beans mixture inside the bell pepper, and top with grated cheese. Bake in the oven for 8 minutes until cheese melts.
  5. Serve with rice.
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