
1 Tbsp cooking oil
2 Tbsp garlic, minced
¼ cup onion, chopped
1/3 cup ginger, sliced
½ kilo beef kalitiran, cubed
4 pcs star anise
8 cups water
1 can Hunt's Pork & Beans 230g
¼ cup fish sauce
1-2 pcs sweet potatoes, peeled & sliced
6-8 pcs saging na saba
to taste   salt and pepper
1 stalk leek, chopped (for garnish)


  1. In a pot, saute garlic, onion and ginger in oil. Add beef and star anise 
  2. Add beef, star anise, water, Hunt's Pork and Beans, and fish sauce. Simmer until beef is tender.
  3. Add sweet potatoes, bananas, and then season with salt and pepper. Garnish with leek.
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